Hey hey welcome to the show every Sunday afternoon we answer your home improvement questions. My name is Jared Malik sitting next to me, as my father can hey everyone surprise surprise. A show is all about your questions. I wan na come forward to your car. Where are you you're in the house? Hey welcome to the show. My name is Jared Melek and welcome to the show stalled in the house. It'S all about home, improvement and construction. If you have a project that you're working on - and you want to know how to get to the next step or if there's something in the house that you need to fix, you want to know how to get started with it. This is the place to be whether it's a structural question electrical plumbing anything having to do with home improvement. You can give us a call, as you heard, the numbers of 407 to 97, 96, 96 or toll-free 855 to 97 96 96 sitting next to me, as my father can hey everybody thanks for tuning in and Jared, and I are here every week we appreciate you Tuning in - and we are here for your questions for sure, so if you have a project that you're working on - and you want to know how to get to the next step on it, if there's something in your house that it's broken, maybe have a leaky faucet, You want to know how to fix it. Maybe you have an air conditioning question plumbing anything having to do with home improvement. We are licensed building contractors and roofing contractors, and so we own a business called universal roof and contracting. We do home, remodeling, renovations, roofing and then every weekend we come in and answer your home improvement questions, but especially this week we were we're going to focus on insulation because we've got Tom Mullen as well as Tony Dell. I, with tailored foam, welcome to the show Tony how you doing brother. Thank You Jared. What glad to be here? Well, you know. The thing is, this is a really hot topic for people right now, as energy prices continue to rise up and up and up - and it seems like I know - even with me personally - my bill seems to get more every single month, even though I'm trying to save Money on it continues to rise, continue to rise, and I know not. The only one people are out there. You know they're checking their pocketbooks they're checking their wallets and there seems to be less money in it because the energy bills continue to rise. So what we're going to talk about today is some great ways of what people can do to reduce energy costs, make it where their air conditioner last longer make it where their their houses are better because of some of the products that we're going to be talking About today, so you are not going to want to miss today's show, because we've got some great information for you, some simple things that you can do to make your house more efficient today on in the house and again, if you want to be a part of The show the numbers 407 to 97, 96, 96 or toll-free 855 to 97, 96, 96. So Tony, let's start talking about insulation. What what are the insulation processes that people should be looking at? Well? Tailored foam has been in the insulation business since 1985. It'S over the last 26 years, we've installed over 30,000 commercial and residential jobs throughout all of Florida in south Georgia tailored has a complete line of both open, sell clothes, he'll spray, foams for addicts and walls and a product that most people commercially. Most builders, architects, engineers are very familiar with, but masonry block insulation core fill 500 right, which is a very innovative product. It'S very cost-effective, highly incentivized by all the utility companies to be able to insulate your walls. So we can do everything from the bottom up or the top down. Okay, let's, let's talk insulation 101. Let'S talk about what is the purpose of insulation? Well, the purpose of insulation is to stop the thermal transference of heat between your your roof down into your home and from your walls from the outside. In most, people are most familiar with, what's been out there, since the 40s and 50s are blown in bats insulation, which is sitting on the top of our addicts, which is designed primarily to be a vapor barrier. First, to stop the transference of temperatures, the 78 degrees in your home from the hundred and forty fifty degrees in your attic and in turn, it's designed to stop that the two temperatures from meeting and stopping moisture and humidity. First. The second thing that it's designed to do is to stop the transference of heat, but it's still 140 hundred and fifty degrees above the blown or bats insulation, and that's where really spray foam comes into play, whether it's open cell, closed cell, open attic, closed attic system, It attacks the problem at the point of entry, which is at the roof level, and if you can cut down the transference of heat, keeping your attic significantly cooler in turn, your energy bills drop dramatically. Your your home stays more energy-efficient. It extends the life of your air conditioning unit and in many cases it will cut down the cost of your homeowners insurance. The second thing is walls which most people usually will replace windows, which is a very good investment. It is but walls to walls, windows to wall space is probably about fifteen percent, so you spend a significant amount of money to make fifteen percent of your walls more energy-efficient, where the masonry block insulation, the core fill five hundred, will insulate. Eighty-Five percent of those walls for a fraction of the cost and stop the infiltration of air coming in from your walls. Alright, so let's focus a minute on on attic insulation. You know that, though, historically the way that attic insulation was done is that you would allow whatever heat could make it through and to actually penetrate the envelope of a home, and so therefore you're the average attic temperature here in florida is significantly hotter than the outside Temperature and then there would be insulation and that's why that's where most people who are listening to this show right now. That'S the way that their houses are insulated as much heat as possible can get through there's nothing that actually stops the heat from making it into the into the attic area and then there's some sort of insulation restricts the heat from coming down inside the the living Space now, in theory, that sounds really good, because what you're saying is is okay, the inside is inside, you want it to be cooler or you want it to be warmer than the outside temperature, but what most people don't realize or what they don't think about? And what they wasn't really taken into consideration with this whole process is the HVAC system, because all of your, your ductwork for your air conditioner goes through the attic. Well, you can have the best insulation in the world that stops the this tries to restrict the heat from getting inside the Attic down inside your living space, but all of your ductwork is going through the attic. So therefore, that hot air, that the hot air in the Attic is heating up the cool air - that's running through your ductwork, that's correct spray foam. What it's designed to do is that reduce the heat load in the attic and that's the main objective. If you can keep that attic cooler in turn, those ducks stay significantly cooler. The air that's blowing through. There is significantly cooler and it brings a home temperate from all aspects. Usually, when you talk to a lot of people when we visit with people they'll always say well, this part of my house is cool. The extremities are very warm or they're very cold in the wintertime. Well, if you think about that, from a common-sense standpoint, the closer to the air conditioner or the heat pump, the more temperate the home is as it as it webs out, with the ducks and in in the summertime, for example, you can be sitting close to your Air conditioning unit and it's very cool there, but the bedrooms, the remote areas stay very warm because you're blowing hot air through a duct system. If the temperature is dramatically reduced in the Attic, the temperature in the ducts is significantly reduced and in turn, when your a/c turns on and runs it's blowing a lot cooler air through a system and in turn the home stays cooler on all aspects and all the Extremities of the home it is, it is really important to make sure that we look at insulation properly, not only for the four our pocketbooks, but it actually causes other problems as well. The thing is is that when we are when in atticthe I'm in attics every single day on a roofing company in a remodeling company, i'm in attics every single day - and you know, when i get inside an attic - it's not uncommon for the temperature to be Between 130 and 160 degrees, I mean that's an oven, I mean I I put things in my oven at that degree to cook them and to, and so that's what it's doing is it's literally just baking the wood from underneath the the the insulation anything that you Store up there, the doctor work the the shingles it literally just bakes the roof from underneath. Well, yes, that's a common problem. People when you meet with people like when you're in people's homes and you go up into their attic and you check the temperature up there. They'Re almost shocked at the rate of temperature in the attic and it exceeds 130 and 140 degrees. So I mean, is the question: well how how will the insulation help that or what what it's designed to do to bring the temperature down yeah, I mean that's the idea with the with a spray foam. Is that it? You know it cuts down on the amount of heat that actually makes it into the the envelope of the home. Well, when it when it's applied, when we install spray foam its prey to the underside of the roof, deck and Trust of the home at that level, and when the Sun hits the roof, it's not uncommon for a roof to be 175 degrees. I mean you're up there on a regular basis right you can attest to that. So what the product will do is it's designed to inhibit the transference of heat from the roof into the attic and in turn, control that temperature and bring it down to outside temperature. Normally anywhere, between 5 to 11 degrees, so you're taking the temperature from one hundred and thirty forty fifty to 95 to 100 degrees, which is significantly reduces the heat load in the attic and in turn, like you, had stated earlier, the duct work, the heat in the Ducts stay cooler, the home stays temperate, the AC doesn't run as lon and as often and the residual benefit of that is your air conditioning works more effectively and will last you significantly longer very good. Well, if you have an insulation question or any other home improvement question, the numbers here are 40, 72, 97, 96, 96 or toll-free 855 to 97, 96. 96. Let'S go to Anita in winter park, Anita you're in the house go ahead, yeah yeah! Ah, thank you for taking my call no problem. I just had a question about the gas and electric and because we're gon na move to a house which is the water heater, the heater is open, oven is gas and the rest of selected okay. So the question is my question: is that I'm not sure if I will convert everything to electric? Oh, I will stay just like that. Sure I mean you know with the water heater. The gas water heaters are very efficient, so so I personally you know I personally would have a gas water heater if you have gas in your neighborhood, because it's just it's a very efficient water heater and in regards to the other appliances, like you know, the cooktop And things like that, it's it's a preference! I mean. I know that that many people are envious, that you have gas in your neighborhood, because a lot of neighborhoods, don't and they're trying to you know, Barry a tank in the backyard to be able to get it. So they can cook with gas. So with everything else with the appliances, you know it's probably more of a preference than anything else. Ok, so the appliances, I will ever change that for electric, only the water heater is paying their gas. I personally, yes, i would. I would do the water heaters gasps you're, going to find that it's more efficient and how about the heater? Thank you there furnace that the gas condition and the heater is a scare, yes yeah. Well, in same thing with that, that's going to be more efficient as well yeah, so on the gas side of it, it is going to be more efficient. They'Re typically go if you have to replace them, they're going to be a little bit more expensive, but butwhen it comes to the actual use, it is more efficient typically than the you know, then the then the electric would be. Okay! Sorry, that's my thank you. So much thanks Anita. We appreciate your question 407 to 97, 96, 96 or toll-free 855 to 97, 96. 96. Let'S go to Sam in Wildwood, Sam you're in the house. Go ahead, yes, sir! Being the state licensed roofing contractor and everything. I'M has a little issue here with spray foam insulation. How can the whatever the roofing might be, whether it be Shane, will build up roof tile, whatever? How can the roof actually breathe after you spray that up to the deck, it doesn't well a couple ways. One is: is it with a closed attic system, it doesn't breathe, but the HVAC system has to be modified to be able to handle that, and so we're roofing contractors as well. I'M so I'm real familiar with it. But you know one of the problems is. Is it takes away the typical ventilation system like it when a house is usually constructed? Prior to this, it was built with a ventilation system in place. So therefore, it had to breathe well with a closed attic system and the spray foam insulation sprayed on the underside of the roof deck. The HVAC system is actually the system that is used to actually move the air throughout the throughout the home. So, for example, when you go up into my attic my attic, instead of being a hundred and sixty degrees, it's 78 85. It'S it's! It'S five degrees warmer than what my inside temperature is. So I totally understand. Let me interject right there, i'm talking about the the roofing actual roofing. What is the roof free that the actual roofing it has to breathe? If it does, is the shingles must start growing up no well, first of all, the shingles themselves don't breathe, but with it with an open, regular, ventilated, attic space, the heat. What you're trying to allow that to do is you're trying to allow the heat to get out. Well, there is no heat that is actually making it through and breaking the envelope of the home. So therefore, the actual addict doesn't need to breathe the same way that it does with a regular vented system. So but that's that's one system, that's if you close off the attic understand with an with an open attic system with a spray foam insulation. What you do is you still use the ventilation system, so you don't actually close off the intake and exhaust vents with in with an open with an open, uh spray foam application. That was a good question. I was. It was a good question. What hey Sam, it was a good answer to was thanks very good jerk thanks am appreciating Sam for your call me appreciate your call. I hope I didn't step on your toes to go check great great explanation, yeah, but but it is a concern I you know in the past. I'Ve had concerns about it as well. I mean there's times where I've gotten on this radio with this radio station and I've talked about how, in a retrofit, that it's not a good idea to do spray foam insulation. I'Ve said those words on this on this radio and I still think that, if it is not done properly, if you take a house that is designed to breathe it's designed to have a ventilation system and you close off that attic and don't address where that air Goes and where the moisture goes then you're going to have a problem and that's why the open system works so well as a retrofit, because what you're doing is you're doing it is a thermal barrier, so you're stopping the heat from ever making it inside the Attic. But any heat that does make it through you're allowing the ventilation system to actually get that hot air out. So it's you take care of the moisture problems and all that. So it's a great way to do it absolutely correct all right. If you have a question for us, 407 to 97, 96, 96 tollfree a 55 to 97, 96 96, all right, let's go to rusty rusty in Orlando, go ahead! Yes, I have questions also about the attic insulation. The poem attic insulation actually have two questions. I went after the Home Show and they had some people they're talking about things, and so my questions are this: when do you decide when you're going to close a system or leave it open in a retrofit? And the second question: is they have this silvery material? They were talking about. You could spray onto the roof from the other side that created that thermal barrier. Can you can you to answer those two questions, please sure? Well, you know the first question rusty is when, when would you utilize the product there's a couple of elements that you want to look into, you have to look into the the pitch of the roof. Is there adequate space up there to move around number one? You you want to assess the the size of the air conditioning unit to be sure that it's properly sized and with those two factors you can determine whether it's a open or a vented attic system or a closed unvented system. So there's a number there's a number. Okay, I have a high pitch roof and I have to air conditioning system to air conditioning units afford to us and a three-ton, and it's only 2,500 square feet. Well, you know in a lot of instances that air conditioning units are too large or too small. That would you need to talk to your HVAC contractor. They would do a mathematical formulation and, if the, if the unit is properly sized, they will give you the option to do both an open or closed attic system. And that's what we're good at. We like to sit with people we like to give them options on what works well for them, so that you know what all your options are. Not only one option and it's not just the size of the unit. It'S also the amount and placement of the returns, because, actually that's I usually find that it's not so much. You know that people are oversized or undersized as much as it's, because the returns are really. What brings that air back in so the returns are really a key part of this. If whether or not you're going to do a non vented system correct right and that's something that can be donevery easily before you do the work, what happens in a lot of instances or contractors come out? They don't give consumers options. They take one option and two or three do years down the road. You'Ve got mold and mildew issues in there. Taylor'S philosophy is to solve your issue and that those are things that are done by consulting with with our potential clients and letting them know what they need to do prior to installing it. The other thing is is that if, if you have somebody that all they do is is just regular blown in insulation, guess what solution they're going to come with every time, just blown insulation? If you have somebody who just does radiant barriers every time they go out, the solution is radiant barrier and that's a good thing about tailored foam. Is that you do all those things you do? Radiant barriers. You do thermal barriers, you do blown in insulation, you do wall insulation, you do. I mean you do all the different types. So therefore you look at the individual situation and what is best as opposed to just fitting a specific clients problem to fit your only solution. That'S that's correct. The product, the the radiant spray product is primarily designed. It'S it's a good product it when it's applied in its application, sensitive if it's needed and you have a very, very low pitch roof and you don't have accessibility to spray open a closed cell. It'S a viable option to go up there because it's going to reduce the heat load in the Attic, so you know you'd have to really go up. There take a look at it. You know find out what your objective is and then we would sit down and give you what your options would be, but it is an option if you would not use both the ante with these both the thermal barrier, anthem and the foam spray. No, you would not you'd use one or the other yeah there yeah. You definitely wouldn't do both rusty. Thank you for your question. If you want more information, you can call tailored foam their number. 407. 3320. 333 again tailored foam. 407. 3320. 333. You know, we've talked a lot about the the spray foam in the walls, but I got ta tell you one of the thingsthat I think is is the coolest things that you guys do and and something that is just that is really not thought about by A lot of people is the core fill in the walls and spray in the insulation and between the the block walls. Why don't you tell us about that? You know the the core fill 500 masonary block. Insulation is a product that 99 out of 100 people aren't aware that's available and aware that you can do to home. Most people assume that once the home is built in its cinder block, you're relegated to what you have in the walls core fill 500 is an excellent, insolent, masonary block walls. Cinder block walls have little to actually no insulation. The product is injected right into the cavity. Around the perimeter of the home and the exterior garage walls and the probably our biggest advocates are the energy companies. Orlando utilities, progress energy, Winter Park utilities Tico, they give the largest the largest by far incentive for masonary block insulation, which significantly offsets the cost of many job that you, sir, i just. I literally just had this done a few weeks ago in my house, and i'm telling you this makes a huge difference and especially like if you live in, if you have 0, you see especially, i mean, if you're listening to me right now and you have 0, You see, you absolutely need to get in there paying for half of it. I mean the rebate that they're giving there's no cap to it. Up to fifty percent, I mean it's: it's crazy, how much they're they're paying! For I mean it, makes it so inexpensive to do it's crazy. The other thing that that people get caught up in energy efficiency and that's probably the largest application, but a product like Quora phil, has got a high content of boric acid, a natural pesticide. So anything migrating through your walls once that product is installed, is not going to be migrating through those walls. After that noise reduction it you may be in a quiet, neighborhood, but neighborhoods have their own noise barking dogs. You know lawn mowers, its it cuts down on a noise, mold mildew, dirt dust, pollen, there's just a number of applications other than just energy efficiency for the core feel 500 Masoner block insulation. So with any of those types of insulation, and when should I call tailored foam again their number 407, 3320. 333 again, 407. 3320. 333. You can also go to their website tailored spray, foam facts, com against spray, foam, fax, doc,
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